A well-maintained air conditioner is built to last about 15 years, but if poorly maintained, this lifespan will likely be much shorter. To ensure its longevity and efficient performance, it’s important to be proactive and regularly maintain your AC unit. In this article, we explore several effective ways to extend the lifespan of your air […]

A well-maintained air conditioner is built to last about 15 years, but if poorly maintained, this lifespan will likely be much shorter. To ensure its longevity and efficient performance, it’s important to be proactive and regularly maintain your AC unit. In this article, we explore several effective ways to extend the lifespan of your air conditioner, helping you get the most out of your investment while avoiding unnecessary repairs.

1. Regular Filter Changes

One of the simplest yet most important steps in maintaining your air conditioner is regularly cleaning or replacing the air filter. Dirty filters can restrict airflow, forcing the system to work harder and increasing wear and tear. All AC units are different, so be sure to follow the manufacturer guidelines for changing or cleaning your filter.

2. Consistent Cleaning

Dirt, debris, and dust will accumulate on the external and internal components of your air conditioner. The condenser coils, evaporator coils, and the surrounding areas should be cleaned once per year to ensure proper airflow and heat transfer. You can do this yourself with a soft brush or vacuum cleaner, or you can hire a professional technician. Be sure to keep the area around the outdoor unit clean and free of plants, furniture, and debris as well.

3. Proper Thermostat Usage

Your thermostat can help reduce the strain on your air conditioner. Set your thermostat to a moderate temperature and avoid drastic temperature adjustments, as frequent cycling can put unnecessary stress on the system. Consider a programmable or smart thermostat to automate temperature settings and optimize energy efficiency.

4. Regular Professional Maintenance

It’s important to get your AC unit regularly inspected and tuned-up. Professional maintenance can identify and address minor repairs before they escalate, optimize system performance, and ensure all components are in proper working condition.

Click here to see what else you can expect from an AC tune-up.

5. Maintain Proper Insulation

Well-insulated homes retain cool air better, reducing the workload on your air conditioner. Ensure proper insulation in your walls, ceilings, and ductwork to minimize heat transfer and optimize cooling efficiency. Seal any air leaks around windows, doors, and other openings to prevent conditioned air from escaping. You or a home inspector can easily pinpoint any areas in your home that are poorly insulated with a thermal leak detector.

6. Protect from Direct Sunlight

Shielding your outdoor condenser unit from direct sunlight can help prevent overheating and improve its efficiency. Consider installing a wall or using a cover to protect the unit from excessive sun exposure and make sure you do not inhibit airflow.


In need of an AC tune-up or have any questions? Grand Home Services in Aurora, Colorado is here to help. We provide AC tune-ups, repairs, and replacements throughout the Denver Metro Area. Call us or contact us online today.