Tips To Avoid Costly AC Repairs
Tips on How to Avoid Costly AC Repairs Making Sure Your AC is always maintained For residents in and around Aurora, CO, maintaining an air conditioning unit is essential for comfortable living. However, unexpected AC ...

How Often Should HVAC Be Serviced?
How Often Should Your HVAC Be Serviced? In Colorado's diverse climates, maintaining indoor comfort hinges on the reliability of your heating and cooling system. For local residents, understanding the periodic checks necessary for this essential ...

Signs You Need HVAC Repair: What to Expect During an Emergency
When it comes to keeping your home comfortable, your HVAC system plays a crucial role. But like any mechanical system, HVAC units can sometimes malfunction, leading to uncomfortable indoor environments and potential energy wastage. As ...

6 Ways to Extend the Lifespan of Your Air Conditioner
A well-maintained air conditioner is built to last about 15 years, but if poorly maintained, this lifespan will likely be much shorter. To ensure its longevity and efficient performance, it's important to be proactive and ...

AC Refrigerant: Everything You Need to Know
AC refrigerant is a vital component of your air conditioning system, responsible for transferring heat and cooling the air. Below, we provide you with everything you need to know about AC refrigerant. If you ever ...

5 Different Types of Air Conditioning Systems and Their Benefits
Whether you don’t have air conditioning and are researching your options or have an existing system you are considering replacing, it's important to understand your options to choose the system that best suits your needs ...

What Is a SEER Rating and Why Is It Important?
When shopping for a new air conditioning system, you may come across the term "SEER rating." SEER stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio and is an important metric for measuring the efficiency of air conditioners ...

6 Common Causes of an Air Conditioner Refrigerant Leak
Your air conditioner relies on refrigerant to cool the air inside your home. The refrigerant runs through a closed system, so if your refrigerant is low, this means there is a leak. Over time, your ...

7 Signs of an Improper Air Conditioner Installation
An improper air conditioner installation can cause a variety of issues that can affect the comfort of your home, efficiency of the unit, and even the unit’s lifespan. Here are some of the most common ...

4 Common AC Evaporator Coil Issues and How to Address Them
The air conditioner evaporator coil is a critical component of your AC system, responsible for removing heat from the air and cooling your home. However, like any other part of your air conditioner, the evaporator ...

How Often Should I Get an Air Conditioner Tune-Up?
Your air conditioner is a valuable investment in your home's comfort and well-being and requires regular maintenance to ensure that it runs effectively and efficiently. Regular air conditioner tune-up services can help extend the lifespan ...

5 HVAC Myths Busted
When it comes to home appliances, there are plenty of age-old myths that promise less maintenance, better performance, and money saving. The same can be said for air conditioners and furnaces. While many of these ...

3 Signs of a Faulty Furnace Gas Valve
A furnace gas valve allows natural gas or propane to flow into your unit. Occasionally these valves will stop opening and closing properly due to an obstruction, rust, or old age. If this valve malfunctions, ...

What to Expect from an AC Tune-Up
Many HVAC companies will say you need regular AC tune-ups, but what is actually taken care of during a tune-up and why are tune-ups so important? Besides the regular cleaning, inspecting, and replacing faulty parts ...

How Often Should I Get a Furnace Tune-Up?
We are sure you’ve heard you need regular furnace tune-ups, but your furnace runs just fine without one. Are they really necessary? Technically speaking, furnace tune-ups are not necessary, but they are strongly recommended and ...

What to Expect from a Furnace Tune-Up
We all know the importance of calling an HVAC technician when our furnaces stop working, but many of us don’t realize the importance of regular maintenance. Furnace tune-ups are not just about making sure things ...

When to Get a Second Opinion for an HVAC Repair
Reputable HVAC professionals do their best to provide the most honest and trustworthy solutions, but there are some scenarios where having another company check your unit is always helpful and will give you peace of ...

Gas vs Electric Furnace: 4 Differences
Gas and electric furnaces are both forced-air heating systems, which means they heat air directly and distribute that air through a series of ducts throughout your home. Both types of furnaces are popular throughout the ...

Cracked Heat Exchanger Scam
Your furnace’s heat exchanger is not easily accessible, it cannot be repaired, it is an expensive part to replace and oftentimes requires an entire furnace replacement, so this is a popular scam among dishonest HVAC ...

What the Color of Your Furnace Pilot Light Means
Your pilot light provides a small flame that remains lit inside your furnace to light the gas coming out of the main burner. This pilot light will indicate whether your furnace is receiving the right ...

How to Clean a Gas Furnace
Gas furnaces run for months at a time, and they need regular cleaning and maintenance to provide reliable heating for your home. Hiring a professional for a furnace tune-up and cleaning is a great way ...

4 Furnace Noises and What They Mean
There are a number of furnace noises that are normal, especially when the furnace is just starting up. But, if the noises are excessive, loud, or out of the ordinary, we recommend shutting off the ...

My Furnace is Running but Not Heating
Is your furnace running but not creating warm air and heating your home? If so, below is a list of possible culprits that you can check yourself before calling an HVAC technician. Some of these ...

When to Call for an Emergency Furnace Repair
Furnaces are complex systems that need repairs and tune-ups from time to time, but every so often the unit needs immediate attention. When there is an issue with your furnace, it can be stressful trying ...

5 Ways to Prepare Your AC for Summer
Your air conditioner will likely work when you turn it on for the first time in months, but that doesn’t mean you should do nothing and leave it be. When your air conditioner sits for ...

5 AC Problems Caused by a Dirty Filter
We are sure you’ve heard it before: change your AC unit filter on a regular basis! After all, it’s a quick and inexpensive task, but many don’t quite understand how important a clean filter is ...

Why Does My AC Keep Turning On and Off?
If your air conditioner is switching on and off more than usual, it is important you get it fixed as soon as possible. An AC unit repeatedly switching on and off will raise your monthly ...

4 Common Air Conditioner Smells & How to Fix Them
Is your air conditioner releasing a bad or weird smell into your home? What does it mean, and can you fix it yourself? Below we walk through 4 common smells that might be coming from ...

Why is my air conditioner leaking water?
Why is your air conditioner leaking water, and what are you supposed to do? Water leaking from your AC unit can cause a lot of damage, so it’s important you address the issue and fix ...

My Air Conditioner is Running but Not Cooling
Is your air conditioner running but not lowering the temperature in your home? If so, below is a list of possible culprits that you can check yourself before calling an HVAC technician. Some of these ...

Is an Annual AC Tune-Up Necessary?
You may hear your HVAC technician mention an air conditioner tune-up and wonder if it is even necessary. Air conditioners run just fine without annual tune-ups, and your unit(s) thus far have been just fine ...

AC Replacement and Installation Cost in Denver
In need of a new central air conditioner? If you are in the Denver Metro Area, here is what you can expect to pay for a brand-new AC unit, including the cost of installation. Average ...

AC Compressor Replacement Cost in Denver
When your air conditioner needs a new part, it’s usually an easy decision: get the part replaced. Most repairs will cost less than $500, and while that’s a lot of money, it is well worth ...

Cost to Replace a Furnace Blower Motor in Denver
Replacing a failed blower motor is a major furnace repair and is one of the more expensive repairs homeowners face as their furnace gets older. Below we break down the average cost to replace a ...

4 Things to Check When Your Furnace Won’t Turn On
It’s cold outside and your furnace won’t turn on… now what? It’s easy to panic when your furnace isn’t turning on and the temperature in your home starts to drop. Before you run and call ...

5 Common AC Noises and What They Mean
Nothing is worse than hearing a terrible noise from your air conditioner and having no idea what it means. Will it go away on its own? Should you turn off the unit and call for ...

The 4 Types of HVAC Filters
HVAC filters keep your HVAC units running efficiently and even extend their life simply by removing air particles and impurities. There is no question how important it is to change your filters on a regular ...

5 Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Water Heater
Unfortunately, water heaters were not made to last forever, and they need to be replaced more often than we would like. From rust in your water to a higher monthly electric bill, a water heater ...

Gas Furnace Replacement and Installation Cost in Denver
According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, 75% of Colorado homes are heated with natural gas, making Colorado the fourth highest state to rely on gas heating. If you are in the Denver area and ...

Furnace vs Heat Pump in Colorado
Until recently, heat pumps were not a viable option for homes in colder climates, even places like Denver with mild winters. Now heat pumps can be used anywhere in the country, so the question is, ...

Pros and Cons of a Whole Home Humidifier in Denver
In dry cities like Denver, the humidity is so low that it often has negative effects on our health, like a stuffy nose, itchy skin, scratchy throat and an increased risk of infection. While portable ...

Get Your Furnace Ready for Winter
It’s not uncommon to simply turn on your furnace for the first time in months and do nothing to get it ready for the Winter season, but is that recommended? Yes, your furnace will still ...

6 Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Furnace
Your furnace is showing signs of aging and use, but is it time for a replacement? Here are 6 common signs it might be time to replace your furnace. Separately these signs may not be ...

8 Common HVAC Repair Scams
When your air conditioner or furnace stops functioning and needs repair, you put your full trust in a local HVAC contractor to fix the problem efficiently and honestly. Unfortunately there are some technicians that do ...

How to Avoid HVAC Scams
Companies are in business to make a profit. While most of them prioritize serving their customers as best as they can, some will cut any corners to get ahead and make a quick buck. If ...

When to Replace Your Air Conditioner – 4 Signs
Replacing an air conditioner is costly and sometimes unavoidable. Although purchasing a new AC unit is a large investment, the cost of maintaining an outdated or inadequate unit could be costing you more. So, when ...

What Causes an Air Conditioner to Freeze Up?
It almost seems counter-intuitive that an air conditioner could freeze over, especially when your air conditioner is running during hot summer days. Air conditioner freeze-ups are actually quite common and there are a number of ...

When to Call for an Emergency Air Conditioning Repair
When your air conditioner stops working, not only does your home become uncomfortable, but it can be stressful not knowing if the system requires a minor or major repair. Knowing when you need an emergency ...

6 Ways to Increase Furnace Efficiency
Furnace efficiency, helping your furnace last longer, and saving money all go hand in hand. Like any other machine or system, your furnace is subject to wear and tear, and the less you run it ...

8 Ways to Increase Air Conditioning Efficiency
According to the Department of Energy, over half of your energy expenses go towards your air conditioner and furnace. Improving your HVAC’s efficiency will not only save you money on your monthly bill, but you ...

4 Most Expensive AC Repairs and How to Avoid Them
Having your air conditioner break down is inconvenient and can be very expensive to repair. A lot of these repairs can be avoided with regular inspections and cleaning. These inspections catch small problems before they ...

4 Most Expensive Furnace Repairs and How to Avoid Them
Winters in Denver can be hard, especially when your furnace is not heating your home correctly. If you turn on your furnace only to find that it is not working, is not heating your home ...

8 Warning Signs Your Air Conditioner Needs Repair
As the days get longer and hotter, your AC unit works hard to keep your home comfortable. From old age to having a dirty filter, a number of things can keep your unit from running ...

8 Warning Signs Your Furnace Needs Repair
When the weather gets cold, you rely on your furnace to keep your home comfortable and to prevent seasonal issues like bursting pipes. It is very common for your furnace to need repair when it ...

Are Ductless Heat Pumps a Good Option in Colorado?
If you are considering the best way to heat your Colorado home, you may have come across some information about ductless heat pumps. These heat pumps can be incredibly efficient and make heating your home ...

Tips To Choosing A Reliable HVAC Company In Denver
This summer, your AC unit will be an integral part of your home. Without it, those hot summer days will seem much hotter and you may find yourself sweating through the warm months. If you’re ...

Why You Should Hire Experts for AC Installation
With the Internet and videos on how to do just about everything, doing it yourself has become a byword. However, there are things that you should always have a professional do — installing an AC ...

Should I Have New Airducts Installed With My New AC?
If you are in need of a new AC system you may also wonder whether your duct work also needs to be replaced. Whether you need to replace your air ducts or not will depend on ...

Fall Furnace Inspection In Denver
Now that the fall season is here, temperatures are going to begin dropping steadily. This means that you’re most likely going to begin using your furnace on a much more regular basis. To ensure that ...

Is a Heat Pump Reliable in Denver, CO?
The Denver area certainly has some weather extremes, from freezing cold winter snaps to the hot, hot sun beaming in your home all summer long. When it comes to heating and cooling and your home, ...

How Often Should I Replace My Air Filters?
You may not think too much about your HVAC system filters, but these filters do an important job in keeping it running efficiently and effectively. Air filters work to filter allergens out of the air ...

How To Stay Cool Without An Air Conditioner
Homes across Denver have many different types of cooling systems including central AC, window AC units, swamp coolers and no air conditioning at all. If you don’t have an AC unit of any kind there ...

7 Signs You Need to Install a Dehumidifier
Getting the right level of moisture in your home is important. Too much and you end up with a multitude of problems with your health and your home’s structure. Too little and your skin feels ...

Gas Furnace Safety Tips
Now that it’s Fall, it means that Winter isn’t far away. This means that you are going to depend on your gas furnace more regularly to stay warm. However, whenever you use a heating appliance, ...

Most Energy Efficient Home Heating Sources
Here in Denver, we can experience some cold snaps during the winter months. These cold snaps make us think about our home heating and our energy bills. If you are looking for a way to ...